Rise Radio OTR

We Are "On The Rise"

Rise Radio OTR

Rise Radio fills the digital airways with the necessities to Rise Above life's situations and circumstances. Tune Us In, Listen and you will Feel The Difference.

Network & Outreach

On The Rise Network & Outreach is both who we are, as well as, what we do. Our mission is to Educate, Motivate, and Inspire others to Rise.

OTR Movement

Being On The Rise is about what one is doing, not for self but for others. The OTR Movement is about recognizing, networking, and inspiring others to unite is we aspire to Rise.


"We continue to grow and rise, encouraging and inspiring others to do the same.
Join the movement "We are On The Rise!"

Antoinette & Jamie Eatmon

We Are Destined To Rise!

From the moment The Rise was conceived as a thought and brought into reality, it began to grow and rise. Like a seed planted into the earth, that rise forth in its due season, The Rise continues to grow and reproduce seeds and fruit that also continues to grow and rise bringing forth fruit after its own kind. He who Rises sows and waters in Hope knowing that it is the Creator and Sustainer who gives the increase.

On The Rise Network & Outreach (OTRNO) endeavors to inspire the hearts, minds and souls of men to Rise Above life's situations and circumstances. OTRNO sows seeds of education, motivation and inspiration into the lives of others in Hope of aiding and inspiring them to Rise. Our goal is to impress upon the hearts, minds, and souls of self and others that as we indeed can live more fruitful and abundant live On The Rise.